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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gross Anatomy

Lamar has been studying to further his education in certain areas recently. He is brushing up on his biology and anatomy to keep his options open. Right now he is concentrating on the human body. He was upstairs with Grace reviewing the parts of the body with her last night. He asked her to show him her radius, ulna, and humerous bones. She complied. He asked her if she had a pancreas. She said yes. He asked her if he had one. She replied emphatically no. He said that he did and they battled back and forth. He finally asked her why he did not have one. She told him that his was a blucreas because he is a boy. Blue=Blucreas. Pink=Pancreas. Girls vs. Boys. I guess that it starts REALLY early...


And Brother can now roll from his stomach to back on the other side. That boy will do ANYTHING to get out of tummy time:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grace's logic makes perfect sense to me!