Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

All went well today for the 15 week appointment. Heartrate is in the 150s. The "big" ultrasound is now scheduled for April 23rd at 1:00 PM. We are planning to find out what this one is too, dependent on baby's cooperation. Last time I had to get up and dance around the room to get Grace to show us the proof of boy/girl. I am WAY too much of a planner to wait until the doctor says in the delivery room, "It's a....!" Nope, there is NO way!!!

Incidently, Grace is NOT excited about the idea of a baby. I have been looking at half day preschools for her in the fall to give her something to do a couple of mornings a week. Well, yesterday, the director of the preschool at our church asked Grace about her new baby. She put both hands on the side of her face and shouted, "no baby!" Nice huh??! Each time we ask her about a baby in her house, she says no. She has always been a dirt, trucks, frogs, outdoor kind of girl. I did ask her what we should call the new baby today. She said "Baby Tyler William On the Phone." Ummm, what? Can you IMAGINE the attempts at learning to spell that? LOL We are considering several different ones, but I guess that Grace has put in her two cents:) I will have to tell the baby about this one day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


While looking over the blog, I just realized that I have not put up any Christmas pictures. Most of the pictures are stored on Lamar's computer, but here is the one that was from the Christmas cards. Ho, Ho, Ho (three months late)

Happy Birthday Aunt Laurie!!

Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To Aunt Laurie!
Happy Birthday To You!

Happy 26th Birthday Aunt Laurie...and in the words of wisdom from Uncle Walter that he shared with me..."you are now officially closer to 30 than 20:)"

Gotta love the wisdom from the Uncle Bubba!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday G-G! We love you and hope to see you soon!
