Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 23, 2007


What do you think it is......

It is a BOY! We are a little shocked, but very excited. He looks great, although he was a little uncooperative after the "money" shot was taken. In fact the US tech said, "yes, it is DEFINITELY a boy....all boy!" We just laughed. No flags on this ultrasound for any problems, and my triple screen came back negative. All good news. His heartbeat was 141. I have gained eight pounds. I think that I would like to stop there. No such luck. He already weighs a whopping 13 ounces. Normal for this stage...8 ounces. He measured 20weeks and 1 day, so maybe he will be early like his sister. I think that I will go with September 9th. The sooner the better for me. He was very active the entire scan, but that only means that we got to see alot of him:) I got back to the doctor May 22 for the glucose (YUCK!) The rest is all good for now. And for all of my were right:)


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Angels Above

Grace has another angel above to watch out for her on Earth. Lamar's aunt, Judy Bankhead, (affectionately known as Ju-Ju) passed away early this morning. She has been sick for several months, but no amount of preparation time diminishes the pain of loss. Ju-Ju leaves behind a loving husband, a devoted "baby" brother, two wonderful children, and two of the most precious granddaughters that you have ever wanted to meet. Please keep them all in your thoughts in the upcoming weeks. We will miss you, Ju-Ju.


Friday, April 20, 2007

And Now....On a Lighter Note

Aaaaaah....I feel better already!!! Amazing what a picture can do to lift your spirits.

Go Tigers....and Hokies!

VA Tech

Living here, we cannot escape the coverage of the past week. This was sent to me from our admin assistant at Children's Harbor. Virginia Tech is a member of the ACC, so as a tiger and fellow ACC member, I found this poignant.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Two Year Old Quotables

We should really all write a book....

Grace came running into my bedroom this afternoon talking about the baby. She was saying that we needed to go and buy it. I asked her who was going to buy it for us? She said that she didn't know. I asked here where do we go to buy a baby? She said the gas station....

Oh, Grace...if only it were that simple...

What Do YOU Think It Is?

So, next Monday, (April 23rd) we got for our big ultrasound to look at the baby. Of course, the radiology tech will measure the legs and arms, check the head and body, and look at all of the structures to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be at this point. S/he will also make sure that we are still on track for the due date of September 13th. Let's ALL cross our fingers that they move the date UP! We will also being finding out (hopefully) if Baby Tyler William on the Phone(BTWOTP) is a boy or a girl. As long as BTWOTP cooperates. Grace was not the most cooperative child at the time, but she finally showed us the goods. So anyway...what is the point of this post?

We would like to get your ideas and guesses on what this baby might be? I "knew" that Grace was a girl, but I do not have a feeling either way this time. So, what do you think?? Post your comment:) You do not have to be a blogger to leave a comment.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

It is a little late coming, but then again, we were all in South Carolina for a while......


Boy, you are getting OLD!!!

(The Monkey in the Mirror)

**Thanks to Jacque for the great picture:)