Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Our church, Larchmont United Methodist, does a pumpkin patch every year as a fundraiser for various ministries.  The truck arrives during the 11am  worship service and then everyone comes outside to unload and organize...and eat.  Lamar was traveling this weekend, so I decided to take the kids to the early service to miss the pumpkins.  Well, apparently God has other plans.  The truck arrived YESTERDAY.  So, when we pulled up for early service, Grace and Walter saw the truck.  We ended up staying at church until after the late service (5 hours later) to assist in the removal and display of the pumpkins.

On the Way to Larchmont School

Going to get Grace from school.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Day of School

Grace and Walter both started new schools yesterday.  Walter started two year old preschool at Larchmont United Methodist Preschool (LUMPS...also known as my new school)  Grace started kindergarten at Larchmont Elementary School.  When we arrived, during the torrential downpours, we discovered that Grace's classroom had been displaced due to a leaking ceiling.  It did not phase her.  She loved her first day and even came home with a happy note.  When you get five of them, you can trade them in for something from the treasure box.  She asked me to make her four more last night, so she could get something today. 

On the way to school this morning, she asked if I could just drop her at the curb and let her walk by herself.  It was like..."thanks for the last five years Mom, but I've got it now."  Seriously??!?!  On the nice days, we are parking at the church, loading Walter in the stroller and walking the four blocks to school.  It is really nice.

Oh, and Walter stuck his head in the toilet at school yesterday...and flushed.  Nothing like a self administered swirlie!  Pictures to follow once I get the change to upload them (of the first day of school, not the swirlie!)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My Musical Babies

This is a video of Grace and Walter dancing to The Both Reached for the Gun from Chicago the Musical. Safe to say that Walter does not need a career in the dancing business.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Post Updates

Be sure to scroll WAY down.  Easter pictures have been added below the school play.

Classic Walter and Grace

These are their classic faces...I couldn't resist!

The Ocean View Carnival

There is no lack of entertainment in Hampton Roads.  Throughout the summer, there are lots of festivals, carnivals, concerts, and fireworks.  Many of these are free.  This is one nice advantage of living in a bigger city.  Lamar took the kids up the road to the Ocean View Carnival a few weeks ago, while I had a meeting.  They had a great time.  Walter rode a few rides.  Grace played on the big slide most of the afternoon.  

Beaching It

Our move to Ocean View was a great idea, even if my car was stolen from the driveway last year.  The children, Lamar, and I love taking advantage of the Chesapeake Bay and beach right across the street.  Grace and Walter have really become beach bunnies.  Grace will go straight out with no fear, as long as her face does not get wet.  Walter will go in to his knees.  Of course, they both LOVE the sand.  I have decided that I am not going to mop my hardwoods until the summer is over.  I mean, really, what is the point?  The house stays COVERED in sand!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jackie and Alex's Birthday

Jackie and Alex are in Grace's class at school.  They are twins.  Their birthday this year was at the "tumbling class place," according to Grace.  It is otherwise known as JW Tumbles.  It is a gymnastics place that caters its lessons to children.  Walter was invited as well.  He just played.  Grace bounced on the yoga ball, knocked over the air mattress, and zipped on the zip line.  She had a great time and decided that she should take classes at the tumbling class place.  

Jackie and Alex's Birthday cont...

Spring Time in Virginia

Spring arrived early in southeastern VA this year.  Now that we have a larger back yard/driveway, the kids spend lots more time outside.  Grace loves to ride in her jeep from the second birthday, and she is even willing to let Walter ride...sometimes.  With Walter, it is always safety first.  He insists on wearing his sister's bicycle helmet whenever he rides.  It is Disney Princess-themed.  Gotta love the fashion sense.  

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Unexpected Company

Dad had clean up day this past weekend in South Carolina. He had some unexpected company in the pond. Gotta love a country Southern visitor. At least he did not stay long:)

Stats For Visitor:
Length: Long
Size: Big

Actually, he was believed to be about nine feet, but no one stopped to ask him!


If it comes near you, go see it. We went last weekend and it was amazing. I cannot express it enough. It is here in Norfolk until May 31, so I am hoping to go again. Right now, I sing the soundtrack all day...ask my assistant:)

Prayers for Evan

Evan Bryant Roland is my roommate from graduate school's nephew. He was born last week. He is having a difficult time right now, still in the NICU. We are all praying for his rapid and permanent recovery. Get well soon, Evan. Everyone wants you home.

Slacker 2.0

I AM TRYING!! The camera is fixed, so hopefully things will catch up!

More Grace and Walter

Just Random Black and White Photos

School Production

At the end of February, (I know) Grace and Walter had their debut into the performing arts. Their school celebrated a Tribute to Walt Disney. Walter's class did The Mickey Mouse Club and Grace did Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


I know that this is really sad, but I am finally getting the Easter stuff up.  It is a little out of order, but it is here.  Grace was very uncooperative in the beginning of the day.  Of course, there is always one that will not cooperate, right.  They were both pretty cute if I do say so myself.  We hunted eggs are church and then Pastor Scott released butterflies in the side yard of the church.  He does this every year...and it is a hit every year.  We got lots of compliments on Walter's seersucker.  It is not common up here, since Norfolk VA is really not the south!  There are even a few RARE ones of me.  Enjoy!

I am a Slacker!

It is official.  Actually always has been.  I keep meaning to update and life gets in the way.  It is not like we are not taking pictures.  It is just CRAZY around here.  The kids will be gone for the next week.  Thank you Grammie and Pop!!!  I will be taking a few days off work.  Thank you Nana Sue, so hopefully I will be back on track.  I mean, I am still behind on Christmas!  How sad is that.  To everyone, I apologize, but it will get there.  I PROMISE!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We Are Still Around

We are still here, I promise. We are just VERY busy. Lamar is busy with work and studying. I am busy with work and the kids. Oh, and our camera broke over Thanksgiving. We do have a brand new one, so hopefully we will be able to start posting again. I do have some pictures of the kids on a loaner camera (Thanks, Nana Sue) We should be back up and running soon!