Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 16, 2006



My friend Rebecca tagged me with the red words. The idea is to finish each sentence. I finished them and added a few. :)

I am: a mother, a daugther, a proud wife of a navy pilot,a granddaughter, a friend, a sister

I want: to wake up each morning with all of the possibilities before me and no regrets from the day before, to write a children's book, to become a teacher, to be as good a mother and wife as my mother was.

I have: a wonderful home, an attentive and caring husband, a loving family, a great support system, a fantastic daughter

I wish: I had more time during the day to get it all done, I lived closer to my family and friends from childhood, Clemson would have had a better season this year, my mother was still alive.
I hate: I don’t hate. I may not like everything or everyone, but I don’t hate.

I miss: my mother.

I hear: the raging storm outside, the Muppet Christmas Carol, Leila's squeaky toy, Grace's singing Ring Around the Horsey, Lamar typing on the computer.

I wonder: if I am doing the right things in life, if Tommy Bowden is the right coach, why certain people in my family could be so hateful towards others.

I regret: some of the decisions that I made early in life, not telling my mother everything that I wanted to before she died.

I dance: often with Grace, whenever Lamar will.

I sing: every chance that I get. I love to sing. My mother had a beautiful voice. If mine comes close, I am a lucky girl, with Grace in the car, to Lamar sometimes at night.

I cry: in private when no one is around.

I make with my hands: dinner, lists (I am a BIG list person)

I think I can: live through a career in the navy, be a good mother to my children, complete my teaching certificate work, have a happy life.

I write: not as much as I type. I type everything...the blog, in Word documents, emails. Thank goodness for Mary Lil:)

I need: much less than I thought I did long ago. Material possessions are WAY overrated. The love of a child and a husband, the support of a family and encouragement from them all is really all you need.

I should: not obsess about the future as much as I do. I can't control it, but I am always concerned about leaving Grace too early.

I start: and finish all books. I can't start one and not finish, no matter how BAD it might be:)

I finish: most of what I do. I believe that you should try your best to see new projects to their fruition.

Now I tag Julie and Lamar.

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