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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Getting Back on Track

Well, I am finally catching up. Our life is back to organized chaos...what it has always been. We are finished with the kitchen, and I could not be happier. The cabinets are beautiful as are the countertops. We put a table in there are well. We are so excited. Lamar's big inspection at work ended today, so we will be seeing alot more of him for a while.

Our "Hail and Farewell" from this squadron is tomorrow. I can't believe that we have been in Norfolk for over three years. We have really come to love it. Most people would rather be on the west coast somewhere, but after living there, we have discovered that we are definitely east coast people. As I posted before, we will be staying here in Norfolk for Lamar's next tour. He will be going to HC-2 as an instructor. He is excited. I know that we are going to continue to be happy.

I have taken two of the tests that I have to for the career switcher program. The Praxis II and the VRA are behind me. I still have the VCLA and the CLEP test for history to go. I hope to start the program this summer. It is an intense six week program that gives me a teaching certificate on the other side:) I thought that would always be a good thing to have considering the moving potential that we have for the future.

I guess that is it. We will be home in SC for Thanksgiving. Give us a call. We would love to see you all:)


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