Grace was a 50's girl for Halloween. She had a very good time with the whole trick or treating thing. I subbed at the area Methodist preschool Halloween week. They "trunk or treat" there. The staff clears their cars from the parking lot, and the parents of the kids come and hand out candy from the trunks of their cars. It is a really cute idea. I was in the preK class, and Grace was in the two's. She loved it! No pictures of that though.
Later that afternoon we carved the pumpkin. Grace decided that she wanted a sad face for her pumpkin. When I started to cut it, she cried, "no, mommy, don't hurt my pumpkin!" I explained to her that I was cutting it to make her sad face. She really did not like the insides of the pumpkin. She knew that it was orange...and she knew that it was "yick."
After the carving we went to Nana Sue's house to trick or treat with Lindsay in their neighborhood. She came home with a bucket full of candy. She was only interested in the "M&M's." She calls them "mayonaise." Don't ask.
After Nana Sue's house we came home and trick or treated in our neighborhood with Tyler and his mom and dad. Grace and Tyler rode in the wagon. By the third house, they had that thing down. Grace did try to go into everyone's house while she was getting candy from them. She came home with LOTS of loot that Mommy and Daddy have helped with. Halloween always ushers in the season of extending waistlines and hips:)
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