Well, I am finally catching up. Our life is back to organized chaos...what it has always been. We are finished with the kitchen, and I could not be happier. The cabinets are beautiful as are the countertops. We put a table in there are well. We are so excited. Lamar's big inspection at work ended today, so we will be seeing alot more of him for a while.
Our "Hail and Farewell" from this squadron is tomorrow. I can't believe that we have been in Norfolk for over three years. We have really come to love it. Most people would rather be on the west coast somewhere, but after living there, we have discovered that we are definitely east coast people. As I posted before, we will be staying here in Norfolk for Lamar's next tour. He will be going to HC-2 as an instructor. He is excited. I know that we are going to continue to be happy.
I have taken two of the tests that I have to for the career switcher program. The Praxis II and the VRA are behind me. I still have the VCLA and the CLEP test for history to go. I hope to start the program this summer. It is an intense six week program that gives me a teaching certificate on the other side:) I thought that would always be a good thing to have considering the moving potential that we have for the future.
I guess that is it. We will be home in SC for Thanksgiving. Give us a call. We would love to see you all:)
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Grace loves milkshakes. She also is really enjoying the new table in the kitchen. We have never had a kitchen table before. We have always sat at the dining room table. Now that the kitchen is FINALLY finished, we can have all of our meals right there. I never realized how much I missed the table in the kitchen until we got it. I promise to post pictures of the completion by the end of the week.
Fashion Sense

Grace came down the stairs the other morning with all of her costume jewelry and her pocketbooks attached to her in some way. She came into the kitchen and explained to me that she was, "going to work to make some money. Give me a kiss, Mommy. I will be back later." She is TOO FUNNY! And quite the imagination.
Halloween Spread

See what happens to your hips when you eat too much Halloween candy!? Actually these are Grace's gaucho pants. She decided that she HAD to put them on herself. She ended up with her whole body in one leg and the decorative strap of the belt over her shoulder. The funniest thing about the entire event was that she would not let anyone help her put it on right. She wore her "hip hugger" dress for about an hour.

Grace was a 50's girl for Halloween. She had a very good time with the whole trick or treating thing. I subbed at the area Methodist preschool Halloween week. They "trunk or treat" there. The staff clears their cars from the parking lot, and the parents of the kids come and hand out candy from the trunks of their cars. It is a really cute idea. I was in the preK class, and Grace was in the two's. She loved it! No pictures of that though.
Later that afternoon we carved the pumpkin. Grace decided that she wanted a sad face for her pumpkin. When I started to cut it, she cried, "no, mommy, don't hurt my pumpkin!" I explained to her that I was cutting it to make her sad face. She really did not like the insides of the pumpkin. She knew that it was orange...and she knew that it was "yick."
After the carving we went to Nana Sue's house to trick or treat with Lindsay in their neighborhood. She came home with a bucket full of candy. She was only interested in the "M&M's." She calls them "mayonaise." Don't ask.
After Nana Sue's house we came home and trick or treated in our neighborhood with Tyler and his mom and dad. Grace and Tyler rode in the wagon. By the third house, they had that thing down. Grace did try to go into everyone's house while she was getting candy from them. She came home with LOTS of loot that Mommy and Daddy have helped with. Halloween always ushers in the season of extending waistlines and hips:)
My friend Rebecca tagged me with the red words. The idea is to finish each sentence. I finished them and added a few. :)
I am: a mother, a daugther, a proud wife of a navy pilot,a granddaughter, a friend, a sister
I want: to wake up each morning with all of the possibilities before me and no regrets from the day before, to write a children's book, to become a teacher, to be as good a mother and wife as my mother was.
I have: a wonderful home, an attentive and caring husband, a loving family, a great support system, a fantastic daughter
I wish: I had more time during the day to get it all done, I lived closer to my family and friends from childhood, Clemson would have had a better season this year, my mother was still alive.
I hate: I don’t hate. I may not like everything or everyone, but I don’t hate.
I miss: my mother.
I hear: the raging storm outside, the Muppet Christmas Carol, Leila's squeaky toy, Grace's singing Ring Around the Horsey, Lamar typing on the computer.
I wonder: if I am doing the right things in life, if Tommy Bowden is the right coach, why certain people in my family could be so hateful towards others.
I regret: some of the decisions that I made early in life, not telling my mother everything that I wanted to before she died.
I dance: often with Grace, whenever Lamar will.
I sing: every chance that I get. I love to sing. My mother had a beautiful voice. If mine comes close, I am a lucky girl, with Grace in the car, to Lamar sometimes at night.
I cry: in private when no one is around.
I make with my hands: dinner, lists (I am a BIG list person)
I think I can: live through a career in the navy, be a good mother to my children, complete my teaching certificate work, have a happy life.
I write: not as much as I type. I type everything...the blog, in Word documents, emails. Thank goodness for Mary Lil:)
I need: much less than I thought I did long ago. Material possessions are WAY overrated. The love of a child and a husband, the support of a family and encouragement from them all is really all you need.
I should: not obsess about the future as much as I do. I can't control it, but I am always concerned about leaving Grace too early.
I start: and finish all books. I can't start one and not finish, no matter how BAD it might be:)
I finish: most of what I do. I believe that you should try your best to see new projects to their fruition.
Now I tag Julie and Lamar.
My friend Rebecca tagged me with the red words. The idea is to finish each sentence. I finished them and added a few. :)
I am: a mother, a daugther, a proud wife of a navy pilot,a granddaughter, a friend, a sister
I want: to wake up each morning with all of the possibilities before me and no regrets from the day before, to write a children's book, to become a teacher, to be as good a mother and wife as my mother was.
I have: a wonderful home, an attentive and caring husband, a loving family, a great support system, a fantastic daughter
I wish: I had more time during the day to get it all done, I lived closer to my family and friends from childhood, Clemson would have had a better season this year, my mother was still alive.
I hate: I don’t hate. I may not like everything or everyone, but I don’t hate.
I miss: my mother.
I hear: the raging storm outside, the Muppet Christmas Carol, Leila's squeaky toy, Grace's singing Ring Around the Horsey, Lamar typing on the computer.
I wonder: if I am doing the right things in life, if Tommy Bowden is the right coach, why certain people in my family could be so hateful towards others.
I regret: some of the decisions that I made early in life, not telling my mother everything that I wanted to before she died.
I dance: often with Grace, whenever Lamar will.
I sing: every chance that I get. I love to sing. My mother had a beautiful voice. If mine comes close, I am a lucky girl, with Grace in the car, to Lamar sometimes at night.
I cry: in private when no one is around.
I make with my hands: dinner, lists (I am a BIG list person)
I think I can: live through a career in the navy, be a good mother to my children, complete my teaching certificate work, have a happy life.
I write: not as much as I type. I type everything...the blog, in Word documents, emails. Thank goodness for Mary Lil:)
I need: much less than I thought I did long ago. Material possessions are WAY overrated. The love of a child and a husband, the support of a family and encouragement from them all is really all you need.
I should: not obsess about the future as much as I do. I can't control it, but I am always concerned about leaving Grace too early.
I start: and finish all books. I can't start one and not finish, no matter how BAD it might be:)
I finish: most of what I do. I believe that you should try your best to see new projects to their fruition.
Now I tag Julie and Lamar.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Happy Birthday, Aunt Julie! Sorry that the Tigers did not win for your birthday present yesterday! That was REALLY bad. I will be home for Thanksgiving about a week early, so I hope that I get to see you! Tell Mr. Derik that I said hey. Maybe he can take me to Chucky Cheese again:).
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