Each year the spouses' of Lamar's squadron throw a big Christmas party for all of the children. We have moon bouncers, lots of food, games, toys and Santa arrives each year on a helicopter. This year was no exception. The children had a great time. Grace loved every minute of it. Her favorite activities were the bubble wrap stomp, the moon bouncer (as long as she was the only one in it,) and most of all...the duck pond. She loved putting her hands in the water up to her elbows and pulling out the ducks. Santa on the other hand...well, not so much. We really did not have the greatest time sitting on Santa's lap, but he was generous enough to give us a new book for our attempt. Later on in the month she actually went and sat on his lap. That was not a problem at all then. The Squadron Party is great. We all had banners to decorate and send over to the detachments that are gone. Grace drew her daddy a picture on the banner that we sent. It was very easy to pick out her picture.
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