Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 08, 2007


We have a "sleeper through the night!" For the last two nights, I have put Walter down at 8:30 PM, and he has slept until 6:00 AM straight. I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself. Since he was born, I have been going to bed when he does to get some rest. Needless to say, my house has turned into a disaster. I have not had a real night's sleep since about five months pregnant. For the past two nights, I have slept seven hours straight. I even get some ME time in the morning before they all wake up. It is amazing what excites a mother of two small children.


Derik & Julie said...

What wonderful news!! We can't wait to meet baby Walter! Im glad to hear that you are able to catch up on some much needed rest!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous...PLEASE, PLEASE tell me how you did it? CC was sleeping through the night until her second tooth came in at 5 months. I haven't seen a full-night's sleep since then. :-(