Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Children's Christmas Party

Saturday, December 8th was the Children's Christmas Party. It is thrown by all of the officer's wives and held in the hangar. We get bouncers, have cotton candy, bubble wrap, games, gifts, prizes, etc. The highlight is Santa's arrival. He does not come by reindeer. He arrives in a 60 sierra, or more commonly known as a helicopter. The kids love it. They all get to sit on Santa's lap and ask him for their Christmas gifts. Then they jack up on sugar and come home and crash. Grace claimed that she planned to take the helicopter to the zoo, but we could not accompany her. Here are several shots to sum up the day. The only thing missing was Daddy...

1 comment:

Derik & Julie said...

Too cute! Jenn you look AWESOME! I can only hope to look that great after having two kids! :) No no, we are not in ANY hurry over here! haha...why rush when we can enjoy all of our friends babies and nephew. :) We can ALWAYS give them back to where they came from. haha...