Linda Grace turned three years old on September 25th. She is officially old and sassy. She decided that she wanted a princess cake. I asked her what a princess cake looked like. She said pink. So I set out to make a princess cake for my very picky three year old. Sure, I have a newborn at home that wants to nurse every two hours. I have time to make a cake, right:) Anyway, the princess cake (or my rendition of one) was a rousing success. We took Grace to the Painted Lady Tea Room for dinner with PawPaw and Janet. She (Grace) decided that she wanted to wear her purple dress and have a "perfect cup of tea" for her birthday. The waiter humored her and brought her iced tea in a china teapot with her very own teacup. After dinner we came home and opened presents. Between these and the big sister presents, she won't need anything else until she is 15. Happy Birthday Princess Grace!!
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