Well, we survived the First and hopefully Annual family trip to Garden City Beach no worse for the wear. We all had a wonderful time. We included...Lamar, Jennifer, Grace, Paw Paw, Janet, Grammy, Pop, Grammy Gladys, Amy, Uncle Walter, Uncle Justin, and Brandon. Lots of fun, food, drinks, and lounging around doing nothing. I had to go to the hospital only once. I fell on the stairs and ended up with a sprained ankle. Lucky Janet was there. The rest of us would have treated it with alcohol...not the rubbing kind:)
We loved our house. Plenty of room for everyone. We had an elevator for Grammy Gladys, and as it turned out, me. We only got stuck in it once. Ask Grace about it. She will be happy to recant the story for anyone. She can also tell you anything that you want to know about Amy's bathing suit.
We all had a wonderful time. For those of you that did not attend...hopefully you will try to carve it into your schedule next year. Same week, same house. You really did miss a WONDERFUL time.
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