It is a BOY! We are a little shocked, but very excited. He looks great, although he was a little uncooperative after the "money" shot was taken. In fact the US tech said, "yes, it is DEFINITELY a boy....all boy!" We just laughed. No flags on this ultrasound for any problems, and my triple screen came back negative. All good news. His heartbeat was 141. I have gained eight pounds. I think that I would like to stop there. No such luck. He already weighs a whopping 13 ounces. Normal for this stage...8 ounces. He measured 20weeks and 1 day, so maybe he will be early like his sister. I think that I will go with September 9th. The sooner the better for me. He was very active the entire scan, but that only means that we got to see alot of him:) I got back to the doctor May 22 for the glucose (YUCK!) The rest is all good for now. And for all of my predictors...you were right:)