Monday, January 29, 2007
First Doctor's Appointment
My first doctor's appointment was last friday. They gave me a preliminary due date of September 13th. That puts me at seven and a half weeks. We saw the "baby" and the heartbeat, which was up to 175. All good news. I return to the doctor on February 5th for a follow up. Considering all of my asthma problems, they keep a close eye in the beginning. If all checks out on the fifth, then they will cut me loose until week 16. We will keep you all posted.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Stupid, Stupid TRICARE
Well, so my first doctor's appointment was yesterday...or so I thought! WAY WRONG ANSWER!!! Lamar and I got there to discover that we had been enrolled into the "NEW OB CLINIC CLASS." Ummm....What!?!? I am pretty sure that I am NOT a newbie to this whole pregnancy thing. Anyway, I had to sit for about two hours to listen to the woman on a power trip talk about all of those icky first trimester woes, what you will look like in your second trimester and the joys and wonders of labor and delivery. HELLOOOOO! I completed the real life course in 2004. I was just a little bit perturbed!!! Long story woman on a power trip in trouble with her boss, (she claimed that she had called me to tell me that it was not an appointment), got blood drawn, and scheduled a REALLY, REAL doctor's appointment on February 5th. They ASSURED me that I WILL see a doctor that day, and I will come home with a picture of the ultrasound to prove it. Don't mess with a woman on the hormonal roller coaster of the first trimester!
Stupid, Stupid TRICARE...
Stupid, Stupid TRICARE...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
WeeWee Chronicles-Day Three
Well, we spent the day in Hampton and Chesapeake today...and when I say day...I mean about seven hours. We had NO accidents all day. Grace let us know when she needed to go potty. She even went by herself while here in the house. HipHipHooray!!!
Would have posted yesterday, but blogger was having SERIOUS issues.
Would have posted yesterday, but blogger was having SERIOUS issues.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wee Wee Chronicles-Day 2
We had a great potty day today. Grace went each time by herself. She still gets very excited, but she rarely asks for a reward anymore. The funny part is that she will go, dump, go again, dump, go again, we see a pattern here??? Now I have to teach her to go all at one time. We are doing well though. No accidents on the floor today...well wee wee accidents anyway....
WeeWee Hits-8
WeeWee Miss-0
Bottom Line +8
Way to go MONKEY!!!
WeeWee Hits-8
WeeWee Miss-0
Bottom Line +8
Way to go MONKEY!!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wee Wee Chronicles-Day One
Well, I must say that Day One of potty training, affectionately known as The Wee Wee Chronicles has gone exceptionally well. Granted, Grace spent most of the day running around the house in just a shirt, but it seems to have worked for us today. Of course, I would choose the coldest day of the year to start trying. The last four times she has not even asked for a reward. She even woke up from nap dry.
WeeWee Hits-10
WeeWee Miss-2
Bottom Line +8 for the day. Not too shabby!
WeeWee Hits-10
WeeWee Miss-2
Bottom Line +8 for the day. Not too shabby!
The Wee Wee Chronicles
This new addition will appear on the blog daily. Because of the news of the new baby, I am determined to have Grace potty trained by September. Actually, I would like her to be good and trained as to prevent any backsliding when the baby does come. Today is day one. It is 11:45am. So far we have used the potty three times and received the mutually determined reward of a bag of mini M&M's. She has also been twice on the floor, but the last time, she managed to stop mid-stream and finish on the potty. Hopefully we are getting somewhere. I am seriously considering cloth diapering the second one. I have a friend in South Carolina that is doing it and she loves it. Larger up front cost, but huge savings on the other end. We will see. Anyway...keep your fingers crossed for the monkey in the mirror. Hopefully we will get the hang of it quickly:)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Welcome Home Gladys!

My (great-grandma) Gladys came home from the hospital yesterday. She has been in there since Christmas Day. She didn't even open any of her presents. She is one of my favorite people in the world. I like talking to her on the telephone and borrowing her walker when I am in Chapin at Gammy and Pop's house. That thing is really fun. I am glad that she was able to go back to her house and her room. I hear that she got a new bed for her room...the remote control kind:) Maybe she will share that with me as well as she shares her walker:) Welcome Home Gladys!! I love you!
The Monkey in the Mirror
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Way Behind
I know, I know. I am WAAAY behind. Hopefully I will be able to catch up on Christmas, New Year's, and some other really big stuff this weekend. We have had some family issues going on which have prevented updates. It will be worth the wait. Stay tuned................
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