Linda Grace Hardy was born on September 25th, 2004, at 10:45 PM. She has been a joy each and every day since. Grace, you have always been an easy going child, with so much love to give. You are unbelievably wise beyond your years. It often seems as if you know the answer to the question before it is asked. Maybe it is your Grandmother whispering the answer in your ear. Years from now, when you read this, I hope that you feel the love from us, your mother and father, as much as we feel it from you today. With each passing day, you are more amazing that the previous. It is hard to believe how big your are now and how fast the time flies. I can only say that if the next years half as wonderful as these, then I look forward to them with all of the anticipation that I had on the day before you were born.
Love always,
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