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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Growing Up

We did something today that we have not done since Grace was born...we got her haircut. Mommy had a REALLY hard time. Daddy has been saying that we needed to get it done since his return from Bahrain, but I think that the kicker was when a complete stranger walked up to him last night and said that she needed one. We went to the Cartoon Cuts place, which "specializes" in cutting children's hair. Grace sucked on a blue raspberry sucker the entire time. In the end, we got her bangs cut and the back evened out. Mommy still had a really difficult time. We have a certificate with a lock of her cut hair on it for keeping:)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Even though I have boys I understand! I video taped John Christian's first haircut. The peole thought I was a little nuts. It was on his 1st birthday. Everytime he gets another haircut I feel like the baby boy is almost gone! Time passes so quickly!

I am enjoying your blog! Kepp it up for me oer the next 20 years or so! Of course I hope by then we'll all be home!