Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Day of School

Grace and Walter both started new schools yesterday.  Walter started two year old preschool at Larchmont United Methodist Preschool (LUMPS...also known as my new school)  Grace started kindergarten at Larchmont Elementary School.  When we arrived, during the torrential downpours, we discovered that Grace's classroom had been displaced due to a leaking ceiling.  It did not phase her.  She loved her first day and even came home with a happy note.  When you get five of them, you can trade them in for something from the treasure box.  She asked me to make her four more last night, so she could get something today. 

On the way to school this morning, she asked if I could just drop her at the curb and let her walk by herself.  It was like..."thanks for the last five years Mom, but I've got it now."  Seriously??!?!  On the nice days, we are parking at the church, loading Walter in the stroller and walking the four blocks to school.  It is really nice.

Oh, and Walter stuck his head in the toilet at school yesterday...and flushed.  Nothing like a self administered swirlie!  Pictures to follow once I get the change to upload them (of the first day of school, not the swirlie!)