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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Six Month Appointment

Well, we went to the doctor for our six month appointment for Walter.  Although he is still NOT a sleeper, (he was up every 45 minutes the night before the appointment) he is growing very well. The doctor said that he looks great.  We did get a referral for the Gastroenterologist.  We are hoping to get to the bottom of the screaming at night and waking often.  We did stop nursing when I got the flu about three weeks ago, so that might be part of it, but the sleeping problems did begin before that.  

Six Month Stats
Height  25 inches (35th percentile)
Weight 17 pounds even (50th percentile)  Really!??!  He seems so much heavier
Head 43 centimeters (80th percentile) still a SMART boy

He is rolling over both ways and trying to sit up on his own.  I can't believe how time has flown. Lamar is TAD in Panama City again, so hopefully I will get a chance to update for a while. Grace has gone to SC for an extended visit.  I will either catch up on sleep or get my house clean...only if Walter cooperates.