Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Two Month Stats

Brother had his two month appointment yesterday. He is doing really well, except he was diagnosed with reflux. You should have been at our house for the crying FITS. Not fun!! He also got three shots :( and the oral rotavirus vaccine. Loved that one! He is doing everything that he should and even a few that he should not. He even slept last night!!!! He went down at 9 and slept until 2! Yes I was the mom that dashed out of the bed and went in and checked on him. He ate at 2 and went back down until 6! I was SO excited. Probably from the shots! Here's hoping to another night of sleep tonight!

Weight 12 lbs 6.8 oz (and not from formula!! YEA!!!) 75th percentile
Head 41.5 centimeters 75th percentile (He is going to be smart!!)
Length 23 inches 50th percentile (And short!!!)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Back to the Grind

Well, it is official. I return to work on Monday. I have run out of excuses, and the doctor has said, go already! She actually said that all looks good, and she is done with me. I know that my assistant is ready! Thank you, Karen, for holding down the fort all alone. I know that you did a WONDERFUL job. Baby Walter will be returning with me until there is a space available at Grace's center in December or so. He will be completely rotten with all of the ladies that work for me! Ready or we come!!